There has never been a better time to make your health a priority. Over the past two years, we have all been challenged physically, mentally and emotionally. Many of us have taken on greater responsibilities during the pandemic, with reduced access to self-care activities including gym memberships and social gatherings. During these challenging times, it has become vitally important to do everything you can to make sure your immune system is strong! So let’s get into it! What are the 5 steps you can take to improve your health RIGHT NOW?
Get quality sleep
When we sleep, our immune system is literally repairing itself. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep is not enough. We need quality sleep that allows you to wake up feeling refreshed. How can you make quality sleep a reality? For starters, turn off the TV, phone and other electronic devices at least 1-2 hours before bed. Your brain naturally produces a hormone called melatonin when it starts to get dark outside, helping your body prepare for sleep. The blue light emitted from your devices reduces your body’s natural production of melatonin, and therefore, reduces the quality of your sleep. You might want to consider setting a notification on your phone for 1-2 hours prior to bedtime as a gentle reminder to turn off your devices and start preparing your body for a restful night of sleep.
Calm yourself and prepare for sleep 1-2 hours in advance
So you successfully implemented tip #1 and set a notification to turn off your devices, but are still struggling to fall asleep due to feeling stressed and anxious! Now what? This is easier said than done, but there are several things you can do right now to help calm yourself before bed to help you feel relaxed and more at ease. Many people find it helpful to write in a gratitude journal, either first thing in the morning or right before bed. Personally, I find it best to write down any lingering thoughts, reminders or to-do lists in a notebook or journal right before bed. Taking this action gives your busy mind the freedom to relax as soon as the thoughts transpire onto paper. Other helpful practices include deep breathing exercises, meditation and prayer. These activities activate the vagus nerve, which controls our parasympathetic nervous system and promotes a relaxation response (more on this later!). A warm cup of chamomile tea 2 hours before bed also helps to prepare the body for relaxation. If you are still struggling after implementing these practices, you might consider a melatonin supplement at night. Of course, before implementing any new supplement, please consult with your medical doctor or practitioner.
Get outside
Being outside in the sunshine has so many health benefits! Your body needs sunshine to make vitamin D for bone health and to support a healthy mood and mind. For those of us in the northern United States, where seasonal affective disorder is more prevalent, sun exposure during winter months can reduce the likelihood and severity of seasonal affective disorder. Being outside and breathing in fresh air is good for your lung health and can reduce anxiety. 15 minutes of sunlight in the morning can also help regulate your circadian rhythm and improve sleep quality.
Drink more water
If you carry a water bottle with you wherever you go, you will naturally consume more water throughout the day. Dehydration often leads to symptoms of fatigue and brain fog. By staying hydrated, you will find yourself more energized and less likely to desire a sugar-filled mid-afternoon latte! If you are working towards achieving a goal weight, drinking more water will help you feel full throughout the day, and may help shave off those additional calories from snacking in between meals. If you find that you do not enjoy the “taste” of water, consider trying a low calorie superfood drink, such as Organifi. We love this line of products, including “Green Juice” and “Red Juice,” which provide hydration AND support the immune system, without tons of sugar or harmful additives of other flavored beverages. Check out the affiliate link below – discount alert!! At the time of publishing this article, there is a 15% discount code for new customers 🙂
Get enough magnesium
Many of us are deficient in magnesium and will never know it! Magnesium assists absorption of Vitamin D. Magnesium has so many health benefits. It helps promote a calm mood, relaxes tight muscles and improves sleep quality. Before starting any supplement, speak with your medical doctor or practitioner to make sure it is safe for you to initiate a magnesium supplement. It is not indicated for every person. For example, it may not be indicated for people with kidney disease who are at higher risks of side effects with magnesium supplementation. There are natural ways to boost your magnesium level without supplementation. Foods such as almonds, brazil nuts, avocados, bananas, lentils, beans, peas, flax, chia seeds – and yes, even dark chocolate – are all rich sources of magnesium!